Sunday, July 11, 2021

Taking Care of Our Earth Part 1

Greta Thunberg is an inspiration to many.  A study published earlier this year in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology suggests that knowledge of the young environmental activist's efforts makes people more likely to engage in their own efforts to promote better stewardship of the earth. 

Ms. Thunberg was 15 when she began her efforts, but teaching kids about taking care of the environment can begin much earlier and it doesn't have to be hard!

In this episode, we talked a little bit about fun things you can do with your family to encourage better stewardship of our planet.  Watch the show here.  

Here's a great starter booklist from Teaching for Change.  

The National Environmental Education Foundation provides some suggestions for at-home activities that promote earth-care.  

It can all seem overwhelming!  Miss Ing recommends trying out the Starting Sustainability Podcast (for grown-ups) to learn about taking baby-steps and not feeling overwhelmed when you try something and it doesn't work.  

Here is a quick listen from NPR regarding how to talk to children about their fears for the environment.   Chances are they have seen something on tv or heard about the precarious state of our planet and maybe they are worried.  How do you help them feel less anxious about a very real concern?  Grist provides some good suggestions.  

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